May 11, 2020 Dunlap Seeger

Survey of Property Tax Deferments in Southeastern Minnesota

Many counties in Minnesota have passed property tax deferments and penalty waivers for the first installment due May 15. The following is a survey of the current property tax relief measures in southeastern MN counties: Olmsted County The Olmsted County Board of Commissioners approved a one-time, temporary abatement of penalties and interest which would normally accrue following late property tax payments. The county Board has extended the first half payment deadline from May 15th to July 15, 2020. The abatement of More +

May 08, 2020 Dunlap Seeger

EEOC Issues New Return to Work Guidance

On Thursday, the United States Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) issued additional guidance for how businesses should accommodate workers with medical conditions during the pandemic. The guidance applies when an employer knows a returning employee has an underlying medical condition that places him or her at risk, but the employee has not asked for accommodation. The EEOC makes clear these employees cannot simply be barred from work due to their known medical condition which make people more susceptible to becoming severely ill More +

May 07, 2020 Dunlap Seeger

EEOC Announces Delay in Collection of EEO-1 Information

As a result of the current public health emergency, the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) announced on May 7 a delay until March 2021 of the collection of EEO-1 Component 1 information. EEO-1 Component 1 information asks for the number of employees who work for a covered business sorted by job category, gender, race, and ethnic background. In a press release, the EEOC stated it “recognizes the impact that the current public health emergency is having on workplaces across America and More +

May 05, 2020 Dunlap Seeger

New PPP FAQs: Put Rehire Offers in Writing

On Sunday, the SBA and Treasury Department posted a few more frequently asked questions/answers on the Paycheck Protection Program (PPP). Question 40 is noteworthy. It provides that a borrower’s PPP loan forgiveness amount won’t be reduced if the borrower laid off an employee, offered to rehire the same employee, but the employee declined the offer. This guidance addresses the concern that forgiveness would be reduced despite a borrower’s efforts to rehire. Under the CARES Act, forgiveness is generally reduced where a borrower More +

April 29, 2020 Dunlap Seeger

Paycheck Protection Program: New Disbursement Rule

The Small Business Administration recently released another interim final rule. This rule relates to disbursements of Paycheck Protection Program loans. It announces that borrowers may not take multiple draws to delay the start of the 8-week covered period. Under the CARES Act, the covered period is important for determining loan forgiveness. The Paycheck Protection Program FAQs had created confusion. The answer to Question 20 says that the 8‑week covered period “begins on the date the lender makes the first disbursement.” “First disbursement” implied More +

April 25, 2020 Dunlap Seeger

New Repayment Safe Harbor for Companies That Didn’t Need a PPP Loan

On Friday, the SBA issued another set of rules for the Paycheck Protection Program. No, these are not the much-needed rules and guidance on forgiveness, which we still await. These new rules cover a variety of topics, including certain requirements for promissory notes for lenders, clarification on certain eligible businesses (including a prohibition on hedge fund participation), eligibility of companies with ESOPs, and eligibility of businesses currently in bankruptcy. Perhaps the most notable piece is a new repayment safe harbor for More +
